Mobile Cigar Bar Hire
Perfect for the cigar connoisseur or newbie, our informative host will have on a selection of hand rolled cigars from Cuba, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Brazil.
Our host will be on hand to show guests the etiquette of cutting and lighting the cigar. We will also be able to tell you about the origins and history of the cigars chosen.
We charge a £250 attendance fee. This includes our mobile cigar bar, Cigar Host, and a range of cigars.
Cigars are charged for at a fair rate and probably cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. However quality does not come cheap and our hand rolled bespoke cigars range from £5 to £25 each.
Cigars can be bought in advance as a favour for guests or we can run a cash bar.
What areas do we cover with our mobile cigar bar?
We travel throughout Hampshire, Surrey, Berkshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, West Sussex, Kent, London, Hertfordshire, Oxford and Buckinghamshire. We are able to cover events further afield although this will incur additional travel (at cost).
Is the mobile bar suitable for my event?
We cover all manner of events private and corporate. Weddings, celebrations, corporate events, and parties (particularly popular running alongside out themed events such as Peaky Blinders, 1920’s, Prohibition, The Great Gatsby as well as our Wild West themed parties).